Spring Cleaning
As the weather gets warmer that means it’s time for spring cleaning! Keeping your house clean is not only great for when you have company, but keeps the space comfortable for everyday living. We have a few helpful hints and must scrub spaces to remember to CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN!
The biggest task when spring cleaning is making sure you wipe down all surfaces; cabinets, floors, curtain hardware, mirrors, windows, etc. One of the major spaces that’s easy to forget to clean are your baseboards, but it’s amazing to see the difference once you’re done. Vacuum all surfaces and dust with Goddard’s furniture polish. For tougher dirt we recommend using water and a little bit of Comet, but beware of using it too often because it will strip the paint. And for cleaning out the sink (and dishes) we love using a Euro Scrubby!
Changing those furnace filters is also very, very important as well as cleaning your air vents. Keeping these clean helps ensure you are breathing clean air. We like to change our filters once a month just to be safe. When cleaning your air vents you want to pull them up out of the floor and scrub them in your bathtub. You can even leave them in there to soak while you remove any dirt that may have accumulated in those vents. You’ll want to make sure you have gloves and a trash can handy. Once you’ve gotten as much dirt as possible out, it’s good to go back in with a vacuum and suck up any dirt you may have missed.
TIP: Clean the dryer vent hose every quarter. (This reduces dust in the house and risk of fire.)
Spring cleaning is also a great time to freshen up your linens. From your duvet to your mattress cover, all your linens are in need of a refreshing spring cleaning. Our favorite product to use is Le Blanc Linen and Down wash, which is specifically formulated to protect fibers while preserving the original beauty of fine textiles.
TIP: Finish with Fresh Flowers! Potted spring bulbs last a long time; pick up an extra pot for a friend or family member.